Electric Car Charger Grants

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The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland lets you to claim up to 300 towards the purchase and installation of an electric vehicle home charger unit.

Our installers will provide all the necessary paperwork that you need to submit for this grant.

You can apply for this grant if you are a private owner who bought a new or second hand eligible EV (more on this below) from 01/01/2018 onwards and are not associated with a previous EV grant.

You have to apply for the grant using the link below and be given a Letter of Offer by the SEAI before you purchase a charger and installation in order to ensure that you are eligible.

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Eligible EVs

Both Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) and Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) are accepted for this grant.

The SEAI have a public list of eligible EVs that you can find here: SEAI Eligible EVs for the Home Charger Scheme.

If your vehicle is not on that list, in most cases you can get approved for the grant by emailing them a photo of your logbook. More instructions on the page linked above.


Please make sure that you let us know in advance that you are approved for the grant.

We will need certain information from you for the installation certificate. If the information you provide is incorrent or incomplete, the SEAI might refuse your grant.

We cannot be held liable for your failure to receive this or any other grant, including but not limited to: not having a valid Letter of Offer when commencing the works; not being eligible because of previous grants or other circumstances; failing to apply or claim the grant in time; refusal due to workarounds that the electrician deemed necessary at the time of the installation; the SEAI not accepting your vehicle or the EV charger model you opted for; etc.

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